Magical Energy Protection Ball
Witch balls have a long and rich history, traditionally hung in the home as a blessing for protection, they bring a touch of magic into your home. According to folk tales the balls would entice evil spirits with their bright colours and then the string inside the ball would capture the spirit and prevent it from escaping! Therefore protecting the home when hung inside. Each one is handmade and completely unique!This ball includes: Amethyst and Black Onyx crystals,Sage, Bay Leaves, Cloves, Fennel, Cone shells,Peacock feathers, blue string, blue and black feathers,Juniper berries, Oak wood and Fennel oil which are used for protection against negativity, sickness and ill fortune. The blue string acts as a net and catches negativity.These balls are made to order and therefore may differ slightly from the picture shown. Comes with a description card. If this a gift we can add a lovely card with a personal note from you free of charge. Just add a note at checkout or send us a message through Chat!